Artist picture of Alligatoah


511 122 fãs

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Album cover of Willst du
Willst du
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Du bist schön
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PARTNER IN CRIME (feat. Tarek K.I.Z)
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Musik ist keine Lösung
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Alligatoah em turnê

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Alligatoah: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Rock Hits von heute Rock Hits von heute 70 faixas - 1 051 fãs
Cover of playlist Good Mood - Healthie HOUR Good Mood - Healthie HOUR 2 000 faixas - 817 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Sido 100% Sido 50 faixas - 11 495 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Alligatoah 100% Alligatoah 55 faixas - 6 006 fãs
Cover of playlist TRUE ROMANCE TRUE ROMANCE 1 173 faixas - 164 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Bosse 100% Bosse 50 faixas - 1 184 fãs
Cover of playlist Robin Schulz - Hits Robin Schulz - Hits 15 faixas - 1 042 fãs
Cover of playlist Betreff: Liebe Betreff: Liebe 69 faixas - 211 fãs
Cover of playlist eisgekühlt 🧊 eisgekühlt 🧊 80 faixas - 3 004 fãs
Cover of playlist Sommer Hits 2024 ☀️ Sommer Hits 2024 ☀️ 98 faixas - 8 424 fãs
Cover of playlist Bosse: Das Beste Bosse: Das Beste 84 faixas - 311 fãs
Cover of playlist Betreff: Arbeit nervt Betreff: Arbeit nervt 40 faixas - 120 fãs
Cover of playlist Party Ohne Ende Party Ohne Ende 141 faixas - 576 fãs

Destaque em

Ouça Alligatoah na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Alligatoah is a project by German rapper, DJ, and producer Luke Strobel (September 28, 1989), bringing together his two alter egos - rapper and lyricist Kaliba 69 and producer DJ Deagle. Strobel grew up in Neuenwalde in Lower Saxony. He was creative and ambitious from an early age and while still in school he produced a number of short films, winning a prize for one of them at a film festival. Strobel's other creative outlet during his school years was music. Influenced by the battle-rap approach of artists in the Aggro Berlin collective, Strobel released his first album, ATTNTAAT, in 2006 while he was still studying. Two mixtapes, Schlaftabletten and Rotwein Teil I, followed in 2007 and by March 2008, Strobel was signed to the label His follow-up album, In Gottes Namen, was released through the label that year, before Strobel finally finished school and moved to Berlin. Once there, he became a fixture of the city's hip-hop scene, joining the collective Trailerpark and moving to the group's record label. In August 2013, Strobel released his third and most successful album, Triebwerke, which topped the German charts, going gold and producing the platinum-selling single "Willst Du." In the following years, Alligatoah scored another Number 1 record with 2018's Schlaftabletten, Rotwein Teil V and returned in 2022 with his sixth LP Rotz & Wasser, reaching Number 2 on the German charts. "Fuck Rock n Roll," one of the singles from the album, bowed at Number 83 in Germany.