Artist picture of Luca Turilli (Band)

Luca Turilli (Band)

3 204 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Luca Turilli (Band) na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Legend of Steel
Legend of Steel
Album cover of Black Dragon
Black Dragon
Album cover of Kings of the Nordic Twilight
Kings of the Nordic Twilight
Album cover of Lord of the Winter Snow
Lord of the Winter Snow
Album cover of The Ancient Forest of Elves
The Ancient Forest of Elves
Album cover of I'm Alive
Album cover of Demonheart
Album cover of Princess Aurora
Princess Aurora
Album cover of War of the Universe
War of the Universe
Album cover of Where Heroes Lie
Where Heroes Lie

Lançamento mais popular

Novos lançamentos de Luca Turilli (Band) na Deezer

Álbuns populares

Luca Turilli (Band): Álbuns mais populares

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Sonata Arctica Sonata Arctica 228 308 fãs
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Angra Angra 246 633 fãs
Avantasia Avantasia 157 574 fãs
Blind Guardian Blind Guardian 173 914 fãs
Dream Theater Dream Theater 545 112 fãs
DragonForce DragonForce 299 575 fãs
Epica Epica 444 470 fãs
Iron Maiden Iron Maiden 3 468 279 fãs

Para todos os moods