Artist picture of TV on the Radio

TV on the Radio

105 159 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de TV on the Radio na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Wolf Like Me
Wolf Like Me
Album cover of Will Do
Will Do
Album cover of Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy
Album cover of DLZ
Album cover of Happy Idiot
Happy Idiot
Album cover of Quartz
Album cover of Trouble
Album cover of Could You
Could You
Album cover of Staring at the Sun
Staring at the Sun
Album cover of Staring at the Sun
Staring at the Sun

Último lançamento

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TV on the Radio: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist 00s Indie Rock 00s Indie Rock 50 faixas - 11 510 fãs
Cover of playlist Black Icons of Rock Black Icons of Rock 50 faixas - 9 112 fãs
Cover of playlist 00s Indie Pop 00s Indie Pop 50 faixas - 5 527 fãs
Cover of playlist Breaking Bad soundtrack Breaking Bad soundtrack 122 faixas - 15 663 fãs
Cover of playlist Rock for the indies Rock for the indies 107 faixas - 422 fãs
Cover of playlist DIGSTER ALTERNATIVE DIGSTER ALTERNATIVE 223 faixas - 48 fãs
Cover of playlist Diário Das Ilhas Diário Das Ilhas 74 faixas - 108 fãs
Cover of playlist FM4 Soundselection 24 FM4 Soundselection 24 34 faixas - 52 fãs
Cover of playlist FM4 Sunny Side Up FM4 Sunny Side Up 66 faixas - 511 fãs
Cover of playlist Motivation rock Motivation rock 49 faixas - 3 fãs

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Para todos os moods


Formed in Brooklyn by Nigerian born Tunde Adebimpe and David Sitek, TV On The Radio are an experimental multi-media project mixing electronic ideas with visual art; much admired by occasional collaborators such as David Bowie and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. A painter and film school graduate, Adebimpe made an animated video for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs single Pin. Sitek produced the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' Fever To Tell album and they decided to pitch their ideas together and self-release their debut record OK Calculator (a skit on Radiohead's OK Computer) in 2002, which merged electronica and hip-hop. With guitarist/singer Kyp Malone joining the line-up, the more avant-garde Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes won critical acclaim, resulting in the prestigious Shortlist Music Prize of 2004. The band continued to challenge musical ideas with Return To Cookie Mountain (2006) and Dear Science (2008), but with Kyp Malone releasing a solo album under the name Rain Machine and David Sitek recording a solo album as Maximum Balloon, they announced in 2010 they'd be taking a break.