Artist picture of Gillette


933 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Gillette na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Short Short Man
Short Short Man
Album cover of Short Dick Man
Short Dick Man
Album cover of Mr. Personality
Mr. Personality
Album cover of Bounce
Album cover of Bad Boys
Bad Boys
Album cover of On The Attack
On The Attack
Album cover of Shake Your Money Maker
Shake Your Money Maker
Album cover of You're a Dog
You're a Dog
Album cover of Coochie Dance
Coochie Dance
Album cover of Move Too Fast
Move Too Fast

Lançamento mais popular

Novos lançamentos de Gillette na Deezer

On the Attack

por Gillette

135 fãs

Álbuns populares

Gillette: Álbuns mais populares

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Gillette: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Top Hits 1995 Top Hits 1995 50 faixas - 3 822 fãs
Cover of playlist Quatro por Quatro Quatro por Quatro 25 faixas - 95 fãs
Cover of playlist BRAVO Hits Party 90er BRAVO Hits Party 90er 63 faixas - 6 035 fãs
Cover of playlist BRAVO Hits 9 BRAVO Hits 9 29 faixas - 214 fãs
Cover of playlist QUÉ OSO... LOS 90'S QUÉ OSO... LOS 90'S 90 faixas - 5 654 fãs

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House and hip hop rapper and singer Gillette – born Sandra Gillette in New Jersey on September 16, 1974 – is best known for the international hit “Short Dick Man,” a song she recorded with hip house production team 20 Fingers. Growing up in Chicago and Houston, Texas, she began singing and rapping at a young age, hoping to pursue a career in the music business. Two years after graduating form Romeoville High School (Illinois), she began recording with hip hop and house production team 20 Fingers, which was comprised of DJs Carlos ‘Charlie Babe’ Rosario, Manfred ‘Manny’ Mohr, J.J. Flores, and Onofrio Lollino. Their single, “Short Dick Man,” was released in August of 1994. The single, which was a humorous response to the misogynistic rap and hip hop songs of the day, was credited to 20 Fingers featuring Gillette. The raunchy novelty lyrics made it an instant hit around the world. However, an edited version was necessary for radio play in certain countries (including the US) so the group released a clean version of the song called “Short Short Man”. The next single, “Mr. Personality,” was a minor hit and was featured on Gillette’s debut album On The Attack (1994). Further singles and albums – including Shake Your Money Maker (1996) and Did I Say That? (2000) – did not chart. While her albums were released under Gillette’s name in most countries, they were credited to 20 Fingers featuring Gillette in Poland and Germany. After the release of her third album, Gillette began a short-lived acting career but had dropped out of the entertainment industry by 2005.