Inspired by his family‘s love for music, Henrik’s own musical journey begins in Erfurt. Remarkably good feedback on his voice and the urge to compose his own music and lyrics, finally motivate Henrik to start his band „Henry and the Waiter“.
While Henrik plays the saxophone, as well as the bass and the guitar, the Frankfurt native mainly sings for the band. You´ll find Henry And The Waiter settled somewhere between electro pop and indierock whilst they don't shrink back to use elements from other
genres. With vintage guitars, smoth keysounds, electronic beats and energetic melancholic vocals they complement their music. The result is contemplative, yet full of vital energy - just the emotional landscape represented by his first release „Safe Coast“. In 2017 two very important members are joining the band, from now on Henrik will be supported by Daniel on the guitar and Benjamin on the keys. This change made the live experience complete. As a result of that the three students from Frankfurt played their first tour in south Germany in selected coffee shops in a livingroom-like atmosphere.