Artist picture of Camel


43 272 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Camel na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Lady Fantasy
Lady Fantasy
Album cover of Nimrodel
Album cover of Landscapes
Album cover of Freefall
Album cover of Stationary Traveller
Stationary Traveller
Album cover of Lady Fantasy
Lady Fantasy
Album cover of Earthrise
Album cover of Long Goodbyes
Long Goodbyes
Album cover of Supertwister
Album cover of The Snow Goose
The Snow Goose

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Camel na Deezer

Camel (Expanded Edition)

por Camel


319 fãs

Álbuns populares

Camel: Álbuns mais populares

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Camel: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Prog Rock Essentials Prog Rock Essentials 50 faixas - 6 341 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Camel 100% Camel 50 faixas - 378 fãs
Cover of playlist 80erne - 100 HIts Fra 80erne 80erne - 100 HIts Fra 80erne 1 999 faixas - 1 189 fãs
Cover of playlist Legends Legends 2 000 faixas - 7 400 fãs
Cover of playlist Prog Rock Essentials Prog Rock Essentials 50 faixas - 31 fãs
Cover of playlist RESET par Fnac RESET par Fnac 675 faixas - 436 fãs
Cover of playlist Anne, Sanne & Lis Anne, Sanne & Lis 2 000 faixas - 746 fãs
Cover of playlist Yüzyüzeyken Konuşuruz En İyiler Yüzyüzeyken Konuşuruz En İyiler 2 000 faixas - 636 fãs
Cover of playlist Ramazan'a Özel Ramazan'a Özel 2 000 faixas - 459 fãs

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Ouça Camel na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Camel is a progressive rock band from Great Britain that was founded in 1971. The band is fronted by singer and guitarist Andrew "Andy" Latimer. The founding members include keyboardist Peter Bardens, bassist Doug Ferguson and drummer Andy Ward. Camel gained notoriety for their melodic compositions with long instrumental parts. The self-titled debut album was released in 1973 and Camel went on to achieve top positions in the British and US charts with albums such as Mirage (1974), The Snow Goose (1975) and Moonmadness (1976). From the 1980s onwards, Camel moved closer and closer to the mainstream with shorter, catchier titles. With albums such as The Single Factor (1982) and Stationary Traveller (1984), Camel enjoyed success, particularly in their British homeland. After several line-up changes, the band disbanded in the mid-1980s. At the beginning of the 1990s, Camel reunited with a new line-up. The band also released albums again: Dust and Dreams (1991), Harbour of Tears (1996) and Rajaz (1999). From the 2000s onwards, Camel concentrated on live concerts. Overall, the band became quieter. To mark the first release 50 years ago, the compilation Air Born - The MCA & Decca Years 1973-1984 is released in 2023. The longplayer climbs to number 40 in Germany.