Artist picture of Natasha Bedingfield

Natasha Bedingfield

144 763 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Natasha Bedingfield na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Unwritten
Album cover of These Words
Album cover of Pocketful of Sunshine
Pocketful of Sunshine
Album cover of These Words
These Words
Album cover of Unwritten (Acoustic)
Unwritten (Acoustic)
Album cover of Unwritten
Album cover of Love Like This (feat. Sean Kingston)
Love Like This (feat. Sean Kingston)
Album cover of Strip Me
Album cover of Unwritten
Album cover of Neon Lights
Neon Lights

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Natasha Bedingfield na Deezer

These Words

por Badger, Natasha Bedingfield


153 fãs

Álbuns populares

Natasha Bedingfield: Álbuns mais populares

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Natasha Bedingfield: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Top Hits Internacionais Top Hits Internacionais 50 faixas - 805 311 fãs
Cover of playlist 2000s Pop 2000s Pop 50 faixas - 137 968 fãs
Cover of playlist TikTok Hits TikTok Hits 80 faixas - 160 463 fãs
Cover of playlist 2000s Ballads 2000s Ballads 50 faixas - 40 000 fãs
Cover of playlist Feel Good Dance Feel Good Dance 50 faixas - 436 249 fãs
Cover of playlist Summer Hits Summer Hits 50 faixas - 51 506 fãs
Cover of playlist Women of Pop Women of Pop 80 faixas - 130 294 fãs
Cover of playlist Feel Good acoustic Feel Good acoustic 51 faixas - 51 282 fãs

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Ouça Natasha Bedingfield na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Grammy and Brit Award-nominated pop singer-songwriter, Natasha Bedingfield took her first steps into a music career performing in the UK's Christian music scene. After stints with The DNA Algorithm (a group which also featured her siblings Daniel Bedingfield and Nikola Rachelle) and the Hillsong London Church, she embarked on a solo career with her 2004 debut album, Unwritten, which shot straight to Number 1 in the UK charts - and went on to sell well over two million copies worldwide. Three hit singles, Single, These Words and Unwritten, were released from the album. The title track became the most played song on US radio in 2006 and garnered Natasha a Grammy Awards nomination for Best Female Vocal Pop Performance. Her second album, N.B., was released in Europe in April 2007 but didn't appear in the States and Canada until January 2008 where it was repackaged, re-edited and retitled as Pocketful of Sunshine. The European version of the album contained the singles Soulmate, Say It Again and the mildly controversial I Wanna Have Your Babies, while the American version gave her further chart success with the tracks Love Like This (featuring reggae artist Sean Kingston), Pocketful of Sunshine and Angel. As well as her pop career, Bedingfield also works as an ambassador for the children's charity founded by her mother, Global Angels, and has recently taken on acting roles on US television.