Artist picture of Orden Ogan

Orden Ogan

17 451 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Orden Ogan na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Gunman
Album cover of Fields of Sorrow
Fields of Sorrow
Album cover of Kings of the Underworld
Kings of the Underworld
Album cover of The Things We Believe In
The Things We Believe In
Album cover of The Unholy Grail (feat. Dominum, Orden Ogan)
The Unholy Grail (feat. Dominum, Orden Ogan)
Album cover of The Order Of Fear
The Order Of Fear
Album cover of The Long Darkness
The Long Darkness
Album cover of F.E.V.E.R
Album cover of My Worst Enemy
My Worst Enemy
Album cover of December

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Orden Ogan na Deezer

The Order Of Fear

por Orden Ogan


647 fãs

Álbuns populares

Orden Ogan: Álbuns mais populares

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Orden Ogan: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Epic Metal Epic Metal 75 faixas - 10 196 fãs
Cover of playlist Hellfest 2024 Hellfest 2024 170 faixas - 16 788 fãs
Cover of playlist Metal aus Deutschland Metal aus Deutschland 100 faixas - 7 422 fãs

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Orden Ogan is a power and folk metal band from Germany founded in 1996. The founding members include singer and guitarist Sebastian Levermann and drummer Sebastian Grütling. They initially called themselves Tanzende Aingewaide, changing their name to Orden Ogan in 1997. In the early days, the band released their first demos with a mixture of folk and power metal, which can be heard on Into Oblivion (1997), Anthem to the Darkside (1998) and Soli Deo Gloria (1999). In 2004, Orden Ogan released the album Testimonium A.D. on their own. Flutes and oboes can be heard on it for the last time. Four years later, the first studio album Vale is released. The songs on it are now pure power metal. The band themselves call their style melodic metal. Another album, Easton Hope, followed in 2010. Orden Ogan's follow-up album To the End made its first chart entry in Germany in 2012 at number 41. The longplayer also made the band internationally known. Concerts in Europe and the United States followed. In 2015, Ravenhead climbed into the top 20 of the German album charts at number 16 and also reached the Swiss charts at number 56. The compilation The Book of Ogan (2016) was followed by the album Gunmen in 2017. The album reached number 8 in the German top 10, while the longplayer reached number 31 in Austria and number 37 in Switzerland. Its successor, Final Days, was even more successful. The longplayer climbed to No. 3 in Germany and reached No. 26 in Switzerland. Orden Ogan repeated their success in Germany with the album The Order of Fear in 2024, which again reached No. 3 in Germany and landed at No. 24 in Austria and No. 19 in Switzerland.