Artist picture of Jonny Greenwood

Jonny Greenwood

17 030 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Jonny Greenwood na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Spencer
Album cover of Sandalwood I
Sandalwood I
Album cover of Phantom Thread II
Phantom Thread II
Album cover of House of Woodcock
House of Woodcock
Album cover of The Tailor of Fitzrovia
The Tailor of Fitzrovia
Album cover of Licorice Pizza
Licorice Pizza

Lançamento mais popular

Novos lançamentos de Jonny Greenwood na Deezer

Álbuns populares

Jonny Greenwood: Álbuns mais populares

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Jonny Greenwood: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Harry Potter Soundtracks Harry Potter Soundtracks 311 faixas - 325 fãs
Cover of playlist Minimalistes Minimalistes 77 faixas - 18 fãs
Cover of playlist sleep for a quiet night sleep for a quiet night 125 faixas - 395 fãs
Cover of playlist Musiques du Monde Musiques du Monde 1 100 faixas - 2 268 fãs
Cover of playlist Soundtrack: Harry Potter Soundtrack: Harry Potter 188 faixas - 5 761 fãs
Cover of playlist Muzyka filmowa Muzyka filmowa 56 faixas - 85 fãs
Cover of playlist Erased Tapes Staff Picks Erased Tapes Staff Picks 197 faixas - 266 fãs
Cover of playlist Jour 5 - Rock en Seine 2024 Jour 5 - Rock en Seine 2024 34 faixas - 122 fãs
Cover of playlist Novità Classiche Novità Classiche 60 faixas - 50 fãs
Cover of playlist Solid Steel Selections Solid Steel Selections 90 faixas - 393 fãs
Cover of playlist Rock en Seine 2024 - 23 mai Rock en Seine 2024 - 23 mai 122 faixas - 25 fãs
Cover of playlist Erased Tapes Staff Picks Erased Tapes Staff Picks 196 faixas - 77 fãs
Cover of playlist PING PONG-FRANCE CULTURE PING PONG-FRANCE CULTURE 69 faixas - 794 fãs

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Ouça Jonny Greenwood na Deezer

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Multi-instrumentalist and mainly Radiohead guitarist, Jonny Greenwood (born in Oxford, UK, in 1971) is a composer whose fertile ideas have found their way into group and solo scores for the films Bodysong (2003) and There Will Be Blood (2007). In 2015, it's this time that the image is at the service of his experimentations, with the release in November of Junun, a documentary directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, on the recording sessions for the album of the same name, a multicultural record associating the British guitarist, the Israeli musician Shye Ben Tzur and the Indian orchestra The Rajasthan Express.