Artist picture of Jerry Cantrell

Jerry Cantrell

19 103 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Jerry Cantrell na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Afterglow
Album cover of My Song
My Song
Album cover of Angel Eyes
Angel Eyes
Album cover of Cut You In
Cut You In
Album cover of Anger Rising
Anger Rising
Album cover of Vilified
Album cover of Dickeye
Album cover of Psychotic Break
Psychotic Break
Album cover of Brighten
Album cover of Siren Song
Siren Song

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Jerry Cantrell na Deezer


por Jerry Cantrell


42 fãs

Álbuns populares

Jerry Cantrell: Álbuns mais populares

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Jerry Cantrell: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Rock Icons Now Rock Icons Now 100 faixas - 197 632 fãs
Cover of playlist Hot New Rock Hot New Rock 135 faixas - 122 232 fãs
Cover of playlist Hard Rock Now Hard Rock Now 100 faixas - 12 221 fãs
Cover of playlist 90s ALTERNATIVE ROCK 90s ALTERNATIVE ROCK 160 faixas - 4 754 fãs
Cover of playlist John Mayer - Top Tracks John Mayer - Top Tracks 2 000 faixas - 6 180 fãs
Cover of playlist ROCK 90S ROCK 90S 160 faixas - 2 875 fãs
Cover of playlist Batman Day Batman Day 40 faixas - 61 fãs

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Ouça Jerry Cantrell na Deezer

Para todos os moods


As the co-founder, lead guitarist, and main songwriter of Alice in Chains, Jerry Cantrell shaped the direction of grunge and alt-metal during the 1990s and beyond. He was born in Tacoma, Washington, on March 18, 1966, and met Layne Staley in 1987. Together, the two musicians formed Alice in Chains that same year. Facelift, the band's double-platinum debut, was released in 1990, kickstarting a wildly successful decade whose highlights included seven Grammy nominations and five platinum-certified albums. Cantrell co-wrote hit songs like 1991's "Man in the Box," 1993's "Rooster," 1994's chart-topping "No Excuses," and 1996's "Heaven Beside You," all of which became mainstays of the grunge era. Although Layne Staley's drug addiction eventually stalled the band's progress, Cantrell moved forward as a solo artist with 1998's Boggy Depot, which produced the Top 10 mainstream rock singles "Cut You In" and "My Song." He continued his solo career with 2002's Degradation Trip, then joined the reunited Alice in Chains — minus Stanley, who succumbed to his heroin addiction in 2002 — on the band's Grammy-nominated comeback album, Black Gives Way to Blue, in 2009. The group continued to tour and record new material during the 2010s, and Cantrell continued to release solo material, as well, including contributions to the soundtracks of John Wick: Chapter 2 soundtrack and Dark Nights: Metal. His third solo album, Brighten, was released in 2021, returning Cantrell to the Billboard Mainstream Rock Top 40 with the record's title track.