Artist picture of Rebelution


131 557 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Rebelution na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of The Day You Came
The Day You Came
Album cover of Feeling Alright
Feeling Alright
Album cover of Safe and Sound
Safe and Sound
Album cover of Roots Reggae Music (feat. Don Carlos)
Roots Reggae Music (feat. Don Carlos)
Album cover of Courage to Grow
Courage to Grow
Album cover of Pay No Mind
Album cover of Attention Span
Attention Span
Album cover of Heart Like a Lion
Heart Like a Lion
Album cover of So High (feat. Zumbi)
So High (feat. Zumbi)
Album cover of Bright Side of Life
Bright Side of Life

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Rebelution: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Reggae Essentials Reggae Essentials 102 faixas - 823 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Rebelution 100% Rebelution 50 faixas - 178 fãs
Cover of playlist 4:20 4:20 83 faixas - 124 fãs
Cover of playlist OFF Jams OFF Jams 30 faixas - 230 fãs
Cover of playlist Pela Rua Pela Rua 61 faixas - 135 fãs
Cover of playlist We Will Rock You We Will Rock You 123 faixas - 3 930 fãs

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Rebelution are an American reggae band formed in Southern California in 2004 by college friends singer-songwriter and guitarist Eric Rachmany, singer and guitarist Matt Velasquez, keyboard player Rory Carey, bassist Marley D. Williams and drummer Wesley Finley. They performed locally and released an eponymous album in 2006. Their 2007 release, 'Courage to Grow' went to number four on Billboard's Reggae Albums Chart after which Velasquez left the band.

Now a four-piece outfit, their 2009 recording 'Bright Side of Life' topped the Reggae Chart and all their subsequent releases have reached the top five on the chart. EP 'iTunes Live from Las Vegas' (2010) went to number five and 'Remix' (2011) peaked at number two. 'Peace of Mind' (2012), 'Count Me In' (2014), 'Count Me In: Remix EP' (2015), 'Count Me In: Acoustic' (2015), 'Falling Into Place' (2016), 'Live at Red Rocks' (2016) and their 2018 release, 'Free Rein', all went to number one.