Artist picture of Wind Rose

Wind Rose

33 342 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Wind Rose na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Diggy Diggy Hole
Diggy Diggy Hole
Album cover of Mine Mine Mine!
Mine Mine Mine!
Album cover of The Great Feast Underground
The Great Feast Underground
Album cover of Dance of the Axes
Dance of the Axes
Album cover of Of Ice and Blood
Of Ice and Blood
Album cover of To Be a Dwarf
To Be a Dwarf
Album cover of Rock and Stone
Rock and Stone
Album cover of No More Sorrow
No More Sorrow
Album cover of Trollslayer
Album cover of Army of Stone
Army of Stone

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Wind Rose na Deezer


por Wind Rose


507 fãs

Álbuns populares

Wind Rose: Álbuns mais populares

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Saltatio Mortis Saltatio Mortis 60 460 fãs
Five Finger Death Punch Five Finger Death Punch 1 019 898 fãs


Wind Rose: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Metal Radar Metal Radar 150 faixas - 99 450 fãs
Cover of playlist Epic Metal Epic Metal 78 faixas - 10 274 fãs
Cover of playlist Folk Metal Folk Metal 50 faixas - 10 860 fãs
Cover of playlist Folk & Pagan Metal Folk & Pagan Metal 20 faixas - 638 fãs
Cover of playlist Symphonic, Power & Heavy Metal Symphonic, Power & Heavy Metal 20 faixas - 1 317 fãs
Cover of playlist Mittelalter Rock Mittelalter Rock 50 faixas - 4 408 fãs
Cover of playlist The Heavy Mix The Heavy Mix 100 faixas - 1 374 fãs

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