Artist picture of Timber Timbre

Timber Timbre

43 317 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Timber Timbre na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Hot Dreams
Hot Dreams
Album cover of Sewer Blues
Sewer Blues
Album cover of Black Water
Black Water
Album cover of Run From Me
Run From Me
Album cover of Demon Host
Demon Host
Album cover of Western Questions
Western Questions
Album cover of Trouble Comes Knocking
Trouble Comes Knocking
Album cover of Bad Ritual
Bad Ritual
Album cover of Magic Arrow
Magic Arrow
Album cover of Holy Motors
Holy Motors

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por Timber Timbre


1846 fãs

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Timber Timbre: Álbuns mais populares

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Timber Timbre: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Rainy Days Rainy Days 70 faixas - 22 607 fãs
Cover of playlist 10s Sex Mixtape 10s Sex Mixtape 70 faixas - 3 271 fãs
Cover of playlist Dark & Moody Dark & Moody 70 faixas - 40 671 fãs
Cover of playlist Chamber Pop Essentials Chamber Pop Essentials 40 faixas - 2 906 fãs
Cover of playlist Twin Peaks soundtrack Twin Peaks soundtrack 32 faixas - 6 549 fãs
Cover of playlist Le meilleur des NovaTunes Le meilleur des NovaTunes 119 faixas - 33 364 fãs
Cover of playlist Wild Wild Country Soundtrack Wild Wild Country Soundtrack 11 faixas - 100 fãs
Cover of playlist Prvi ples Prvi ples 538 faixas - 50 fãs
Cover of playlist Halloween POP Halloween POP 86 faixas - 140 fãs
Cover of playlist Rock en Seine 2017 Rock en Seine 2017 76 faixas - 4 fãs
Cover of playlist John Beauregard John Beauregard 441 faixas - 121 fãs
Cover of playlist Festival Beauregard Festival Beauregard 1 264 faixas - 256 fãs
Cover of playlist Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2017 Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2017 124 faixas - 433 fãs

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Ouça Timber Timbre na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Dark, brooding and swampy, Timber Timbre are a Canadian blues rock band drawing heavily on folk influences to create their atmospheric music.

Based around the talents of multi-instrumentalist Taylor Kirk, the band took their name from the log cabin-cum-recording studio deep in the Bobcaygeon woodlands in Ontario where Kirk recorded his early material. Their first two albums, 'Cedar Shakes' released in 2006 and 'Medicinals' released the following year, were self-funded and achieved little commercial success. After subsequently signing a deal with Canada's Arts and Crafts label the band released the self titled 'Timber Timbre'. The album was well received and made it on to the Polaris Prize long list. Toronto's 'Eye Weekly' magazine called the album "the spookiest disc of the year, and the best" and in keeping with the dark images conjured up by the music the album was available free on the band's website for the week of Halloween in 2009.

The band's music has been used in a number of television dramas and films, most notable 'The Good Wife' and 'Breaking Bad'. Subsequent album releases have received Polaris Music Prize nominations and the band continue record and tour across the United States and Europe.