Artist picture of Era Istrefi

Era Istrefi

158 314 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Era Istrefi na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Live It Up
Album cover of Bonbon
Album cover of Bonbon
Album cover of Prisoner
Album cover of Hala
Album cover of Bonbon
Album cover of Oh God (feat. Konshens)
Oh God (feat. Konshens)
Album cover of Sayonara детка
Sayonara детка

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Era Istrefi na Deezer


por Era Istrefi


15 fãs

Álbuns populares

Era Istrefi: Álbuns mais populares

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Era Istrefi: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Feel Good Reggae Feel Good Reggae 50 faixas - 40 133 fãs
Cover of playlist Best of Hits 2016 Best of Hits 2016 100 faixas - 14 381 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Will Smith 100% Will Smith 30 faixas - 2 319 fãs
Cover of playlist Reggae Essentials Reggae Essentials 102 faixas - 823 fãs
Cover of playlist CROSSFIT CROSSFIT 79 faixas - 1 278 fãs
Cover of playlist Good Mood - Healthie HOUR Good Mood - Healthie HOUR 2 000 faixas - 819 fãs
Cover of playlist Mashups | Club Mix Mashups | Club Mix 63 faixas - 16 133 fãs
Cover of playlist Electro Fitness Electro Fitness 94 faixas - 2 280 fãs
Cover of playlist DJ SOUND PARTY DJ SOUND PARTY 358 faixas - 962 fãs
Cover of playlist Bar Sounds Bar Sounds 62 faixas - 3 275 fãs

Destaque em

Ouça Era Istrefi na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Era Istrefi (born July 4, 1994 in Priština, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) is a pop singer from Kosovo. The singer made her first musical appearance in 2013 with the single "Mani për money". Era Istrefi's international breakthrough came in 2016 with the song "BonBon". The single reached number 10 in Germany and also reached the US dance and electronic charts. In 2018, she sings "Live It Up ", the official song of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, together with Nicky Jam and Will Smith. The single became an international top hit thanks to its media presence. Together with rapper Don Xhoni, the single "Hala" reaches number 25 in the Swiss charts. The singer went on to enjoy further success in the Alpine region. In December 2023, the single " Lonely" (together with Butrint Imeri) entered the Swiss charts at number 95.