Artist picture of Project Pitchfork

Project Pitchfork

15 730 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Project Pitchfork na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Rain
Album cover of Pitch-Black
Album cover of The Longing
The Longing
Album cover of The Dividing Line
The Dividing Line
Album cover of Acid Ocean
Acid Ocean
Album cover of Titânes
Album cover of Souls - Extended Version
Souls - Extended Version
Album cover of Souls
Album cover of Volcano
Album cover of Lament

Último lançamento

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Álbuns populares

Project Pitchfork: Álbuns mais populares

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Project Pitchfork: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Metal aus Deutschland Metal aus Deutschland 100 faixas - 7 424 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Project Pitchfork 100% Project Pitchfork 50 faixas - 341 fãs
Cover of playlist DJ SOUND E.B.M. / INDUSTRIAL DJ SOUND E.B.M. / INDUSTRIAL 1 828 faixas - 1 600 fãs
Cover of playlist BRAVO Hits 23 BRAVO Hits 23 30 faixas - 157 fãs
Cover of playlist BRAVO Hits 32 BRAVO Hits 32 27 faixas - 136 fãs

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Project Pitchfork is a German band founded in 1989. Since the early 1990s, the Hamburg-based group has been one of the most popular representatives of electro-industrial music. Signed by Hypnobeat Records during the band's infancy, Project Pitchfork debuted with Dhyani in 1991. The album introduced a dark, nocturnal sound influenced by artists such as The Human League, Ultravox, and OMD. With their second album, Lam-'bras (1992), Project Pitchfork's reputation on the club scene bloomed. In 1994, the album IO entered the German charts for the first time at number 56. Project Pitchfork began expanding their style as the decade progressed, experimenting with genres like rock on the 1997 release Chakra Red. A year later, the band signed a major-label deal with Warner. As a result, Project Pitchfork's reputation in Germany grew considerably, with albums like 1998's Eon: Eon (which charted at number 14) and 2001's Daimonion (which reached number 8) both achieving high positions on the German charts. With the hits "Carnival" (1998) and "Existence " (2001), the band also achieved Top 40 success on the German Singles Chart. Even so, further releases during the early 2000s failed to match the band's previous success, and the band didn't return to the Top 20 until the release of 2011's Quantum Mechanics. Follow-ups like Black (2013), Blood (2014), Look Up, I'm Down There (2016), Akkretion (2018) and Fragment (2018) were similarly popular. After a short break, Project Pitchfork returned with 2024's Elysium, reaching number 3 in Germany.