Artist picture of Scratch Massive

Scratch Massive

12 152 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Scratch Massive na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Dancer in the Dark
Dancer in the Dark
Album cover of Nuit de mes rêves
Nuit de mes rêves
Album cover of Break away
Break away
Album cover of Looking for Trouble
Looking for Trouble
Album cover of Last Dance
Album cover of Closer
Album cover of Feel the Void
Feel the Void
Album cover of Junior

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Scratch Massive na Deezer

I see you up tomorrow

por Scratch Massive


16 fãs

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Scratch Massive: Álbuns mais populares

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Scratch Massive: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Cinematic Zen Cinematic Zen 70 faixas - 53 519 fãs
Cover of playlist Brain Brain 205 faixas - 286 fãs
Cover of playlist This is Léonie Pernet ✨ This is Léonie Pernet ✨ 58 faixas - 12 fãs
Cover of playlist Rave by Maud Geffray Rave by Maud Geffray 26 faixas - 260 fãs
Cover of playlist Musique & Pub Musique & Pub 70 faixas - 3 375 fãs
Cover of playlist Danser et pleurer Danser et pleurer 90 faixas - 314 fãs

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Ouça Scratch Massive na Deezer

Para todos os moods


Maud Geffray (DJ) and Sébastien Chenut (DJ) met in 1993 and began scouring the clubs. In 1998, they formed Scratch Massive. They released Enemy and Lovers in 2003, followed by Naked in 2005 and Time in 2007. Scratch Massive, known for their hair-raising live performances, signed to PIAS and released Underground Needs Your Money Baby in 2008. Joy in 2009 and Nuit de Rêve featuring "Take Me There" with Jimmy Somerville in 2011 still don't help Scratch Massive break through at the highest level. In 2013, Communion is the band's first live album.