Artist picture of Tovaritch


30 161 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Tovaritch na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Gun-fu
Album cover of Atmosphère
Album cover of BRATVA IX (Sovietskiy)
BRATVA IX (Sovietskiy)
Album cover of BRATVA V (Soviet Squad)
BRATVA V (Soviet Squad)
Album cover of Street Fight
Street Fight
Album cover of 240
Album cover of Hermano
Album cover of BRATVA VI (Pizdec)
BRATVA VI (Pizdec)
Album cover of Contactu II
Contactu II
Album cover of Cocktail

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Tovaritch na Deezer


por Tovaritch


1006 fãs

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Tovaritch: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist 100% Tovaritch 100% Tovaritch 50 faixas - 348 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Olexesh 100% Olexesh 50 faixas - 2 136 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Lx 100% Lx 50 faixas - 1 512 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Nane 100% Nane 50 faixas - 141 fãs

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Real name Yuri Mikhailov, rapper Tovaritch was born in Moscow to a Russian father and a Franco-Polish mother, and arrived in France at the age of 5, when his parents moved to the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis. He became interested in rap as a teenager, and made a name for himself in 2019 with a series of freestyles called "Bratva" (which means "brotherhood" in Russian). He never fails to pay homage to his origins, shooting the video clips for "Bratva III", "Bratva IV " and "Bratva VI" in Moscow, or placing a bear's head or a representation of the Kremlin in his logo. His first mixtape, also entitled Bratva, was released in 2020 and saw the Franco-Russian rapper collaborate with a number of foreign rappers, including the Russian group Krasnoe Derevo, Poland's Palush, Romania's Nane, Italy's OG Eastbull and Germany's Olexesh. After signing a new distribution contract with Believe in 2021, he releases a new mixtape entitled Sovietskiy. The following year, Tovaritch reached number 12 in the French charts with his album Mikhailov, featuring duets with Alberto, Samra, Enzo Dong and Krasnoe Derevo.