Artist picture of Me & My

Me & My

1 191 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Me & My na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Dub-I-Dub
Album cover of Baby Boy
Baby Boy
Album cover of Lion Eddie
Lion Eddie
Album cover of Magic Love
Magic Love
Album cover of So Many Men
So Many Men
Album cover of Fly High
Fly High
Album cover of La La Superstar
La La Superstar
Album cover of Dub-I-Dub
Album cover of Let the Love Go On
Let the Love Go On
Album cover of Dub I Dub
Dub I Dub

Lançamento mais popular

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Me & My: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist 90erne - 100 Hits Fra 90erne 90erne - 100 Hits Fra 90erne 1 995 faixas - 926 fãs
Cover of playlist Your favorite B-Sides Your favorite B-Sides 2 000 faixas - 875 fãs
Cover of playlist 90' Hits 90' Hits 129 faixas - 197 fãs

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Made up of sisters Susanne Georgi (b. 1976) and Pernille Georgi (b. 1974), Danish duo Me & My enjoyed a successful Eurodance career in the 1990s. The two singers, who performed under the name SuPer Sisters at the beginning of the decade, were too young to enter the Eurovision Song Contest, despite two Danish-language albums to their credit. In 1995, renamed Me & My, they saw their dance rhyme "Dub-I-Dub" reach No. 1 in their country and spread across Europe and Japan, where the song was included in the soundtrack of the famous video game Dance Dance Revolution. The first album, Me & My, brought the duo's other major hit, "Baby Boy", and the track "Waiting", featured on the homonymous Japanese compilation, complete with remixes and karaoke versions. The Georgi sisters attempted to return to the sales charts with their next two albums, Let The Love Go On (1999) and Fly High (2001), whose title tracks reached No. 3 and No. 8 respectively, but this time the success remained local. In 2007, when the duo tried their luck again at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Two Are Stronger Than One", the compilation The Ultimate Collection was released. A final single, the ballad "Too Much Christmas", was released the same year.