Artist picture of Suffocation


61 822 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Suffocation na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Effigy of the Forgotten
Effigy of the Forgotten
Album cover of Bind Torture Kill
Bind Torture Kill
Album cover of Jesus Wept
Jesus Wept
Album cover of Clarity Through Deprivation
Clarity Through Deprivation
Album cover of Thrones of Blood
Thrones of Blood
Album cover of Liege of Inveracity
Liege of Inveracity
Album cover of Perpetual Deception
Perpetual Deception
Album cover of As Grace Descends
As Grace Descends
Album cover of Infecting the Crypts
Infecting the Crypts
Album cover of Pierced from Within
Pierced from Within

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Suffocation na Deezer

Hymns From The Apocrypha

por Suffocation


983 fãs

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Suffocation: Álbuns mais populares

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Suffocation: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Hellfest 2024 Hellfest 2024 170 faixas - 16 788 fãs
Cover of playlist Killed by Death Metal Killed by Death Metal 100 faixas - 18 960 fãs
Cover of playlist Murder Metal Murder Metal 50 faixas - 2 158 fãs

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Suffocation is a death metal band from the USA that was founded in 1990. They were the first band in the genre to mix death metal with New York hardcore and grindcore. Suffocation are considered the founders of brutal death metal. Nu-metal bands such as Slipknot cite Suffocation as an important inspiration for their music. After the first demos, Suffocation released their debut album Effigy of the Forgotten in 1991. However, the 1990s were not a good time for death metal music. As a result, the first episode of Suffication ended after three studio albums and two EPs in 1998. Five years later, the band attempted a new start. The first new material, Souls to Deny, was released in 2004. After the self-titled album Suffocation (2006), the first major successes came with the follow-up Blood Oath in 2009. The album made it into the Billboard charts in the USA. Pinnacle of Bedlam also made a chart entry in the USA in 2013. In Germany, the album climbed to number 58, followed four years later by ...Of the Dark Light. The longplayer made it to number 80 in Germany. After that, it takes a while until the next release. Hymns from the Apocrypha is released in fall 2023. The album climbs to number 53 in the German charts.