Artist picture of Dionysos


117 110 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Dionysos na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of I Follow Rivers
I Follow Rivers
Album cover of Flamme à lunettes
Flamme à lunettes
Album cover of Jack Et La Mécanique Du Coeur
Jack Et La Mécanique Du Coeur
Album cover of Le jour le plus froid du monde
Le jour le plus froid du monde
Album cover of Death Song (No More Sparkles)
Death Song (No More Sparkles)
Album cover of Mademoiselle Clé
Mademoiselle Clé
Album cover of La berçeuse hip hop du docteur Madeleine
La berçeuse hip hop du docteur Madeleine
Album cover of Song For Jedi
Song For Jedi
Album cover of Hamac Of Clouds
Hamac Of Clouds
Album cover of When The Saints Go Marchin'in
When The Saints Go Marchin'in

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por Dionysos


3981 fãs

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Dionysos: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist RFI Francophonie RFI Francophonie 1 722 faixas - 5 433 fãs
Cover of playlist Les Pépites du Rock Français Les Pépites du Rock Français 60 faixas - 4 357 fãs
Cover of playlist Essentiels rock français Essentiels rock français 50 faixas - 95 113 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Arthur H 100% Arthur H 30 faixas - 1 203 fãs
Cover of playlist Rock français - Les Classiques Rock français - Les Classiques 64 faixas - 10 295 fãs
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Cover of playlist Francofolies 2016 Francofolies 2016 127 faixas - 658 fãs
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Cover of playlist DIGSTER - French It Up! DIGSTER - French It Up! 76 faixas - 91 fãs
Cover of playlist Olivia Ruiz Best Of Olivia Ruiz Best Of 27 faixas - 7 fãs

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The French pop rock band Dionysis were formed in 1993 in Valence, Drôme whilst the various members were still college students. The band is the brainchild of the musician and author Mathias Malzieu who is the main songwriter and frontman of the six-piece ensemble. Dionysis are known for their musical exploration of surreal concepts and have cited the American director Tim Burton and the English novelist Roald Dahl as influences in their material which also draws inspiration from comic books.

After releasing two self-funded, self-produced albums the band secured a deal with the French record label Trema with whom they released three albums until the label was absorbed into the Universal Music empire in 2004. Their debut album with Trema was 'Haïku' which was released in 1999 and it was this album which established the band to a wider audience mainly due to the success of the lead single 'Coccinelle'.

The band occupy a unique niche within French music culture and since their early days have been a regular feature on the French festival circuit. Their most recent album was 'Vampire en Pyjama' released in 2016.