Artist picture of Clint Mansell

Clint Mansell

65 968 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Clint Mansell na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Lux Aeterna
Album cover of Summer Overture
Summer Overture
Album cover of Marion Barfs
Album cover of Final Movement (Feat.
Final Movement (Feat. "Not At Home")
Album cover of Together We Will Live Forever
Together We Will Live Forever
Album cover of Cleaning Apartment
Cleaning Apartment
Album cover of Hope Overture
Hope Overture
Album cover of Death Is the Road to Awe (feat. Kronos Quartet)
Death Is the Road to Awe (feat. Kronos Quartet)
Album cover of Tick Tock (Clock of My Heart)
Tick Tock (Clock of My Heart)
Album cover of Xibalba (feat. Kronos Quartet)
Xibalba (feat. Kronos Quartet)

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Clint Mansell: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Epic Soundtracks Epic Soundtracks 60 faixas - 60 528 fãs
Cover of playlist Cinematic Zen Cinematic Zen 70 faixas - 53 500 fãs
Cover of playlist 00s Film Hits 00s Film Hits 64 faixas - 12 903 fãs
Cover of playlist Indie Films Indie Films 30 faixas - 11 457 fãs
Cover of playlist Adventure Mode Adventure Mode 80 faixas - 5 635 fãs
Cover of playlist Cosmos Classical Cosmos Classical 100 faixas - 37 937 fãs
Cover of playlist Electronic soundtracks Electronic soundtracks 50 faixas - 10 825 fãs
Cover of playlist BBB21 BBB21 518 faixas - 755 fãs
Cover of playlist Classical Sleep Classical Sleep 204 faixas - 520 fãs
Cover of playlist Filmmusik - Soundtracks Filmmusik - Soundtracks 100 faixas - 1 953 fãs
Cover of playlist Muzyka filmowa Muzyka filmowa 56 faixas - 85 fãs
Cover of playlist Soundtrack Radar Soundtrack Radar 51 faixas - 5 244 fãs

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Ouça Clint Mansell na Deezer

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Clint Mansell is an English musician and composer who gained fame in the 1980s with the rock band Pop Will Eat Itself and then became a successful film composer known best for his collaborations with director Darren Aronofsky. His score for Aronofsky's 2000 film 'Requiem for a Dream' featuring the Kronos Quartet reached number 14 on Billboard's Soundtracks Album Chart in 2016; a track from that score titled 'Lux Aeterna' is often heard on other film soundtracks and television programmes.

Born in Coventry, Mansell began playing pop music professionally as a teenager, formed a band called From Eden and then in the mid 1980s co-founded Pop Will Eat Itself. They had moderate U.K. chart success with singles and albums until they broke up in the mid-'90s. Mansell moved to New York and then to Los Angeles where he has become established as a composer for movies.

He scored Aronofsky's first feature film 'Pi' in 1998 and his second 'Requiem for a Dream' two years later. Other film work followed and he worked with the director again on 'The Fountain' (2006), 'The Wrestler' (2008) and 'Black Swan' (2010); the latter film was a major hit and Mansell's score was nominated for a Grammy Award.

Mansell has toured with the Kronos Quartet and he collaborated with Trent Reznor on the album 'The Fragile' by Nine Inch Nails. Other notable film scores include Duncan Jones's 'Moon' (2009), Chan-wook Park's 'Stoker' (2013), Aronofsky's 'Noah' (2014) and Ben Wheatley's 'High-Rise' (2015). In 2017, he wrote the score for the feature film 'Loving Vincent', directed by Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman and made from oil paintings.