Artist picture of Blossom Dearie

Blossom Dearie

49 759 fãs

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Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Plus Je T'embrasse
Plus Je T'embrasse
Album cover of I Walk A Little Faster
I Walk A Little Faster
Album cover of Manhattan
Album cover of Chez Moi
Chez Moi
Album cover of 'Deed I Do
'Deed I Do
Album cover of Just One Of Those Things
Just One Of Those Things
Album cover of It Might As Well Be Spring
It Might As Well Be Spring
Album cover of Try Your Wings
Try Your Wings
Album cover of Once Upon A Summertime
Once Upon A Summertime
Album cover of They Say It's Spring
They Say It's Spring

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Blossom Dearie: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Lanchinho da tarde Lanchinho da tarde 70 faixas - 43 570 fãs
Cover of playlist Jazz pour dormir Jazz pour dormir 84 faixas - 6 470 fãs
Cover of playlist City Sounds Saint-Tropez City Sounds Saint-Tropez 50 faixas - 12 059 fãs
Cover of playlist Chill, Jazz & Lounge Chill, Jazz & Lounge 114 faixas - 17 042 fãs
Cover of playlist Paris Jazz Cafe Paris Jazz Cafe 41 faixas - 43 fãs
Cover of playlist COFFEE BREAK JAZZ COFFEE BREAK JAZZ 24 faixas - 114 fãs
Cover of playlist Soundtrack: Gossip Girl (2021) Soundtrack: Gossip Girl (2021) 77 faixas - 416 fãs
Cover of playlist Women in Jazz Women in Jazz 56 faixas - 2 925 fãs
Cover of playlist Ladies in Jazz Ladies in Jazz 138 faixas - 127 fãs
Cover of playlist Juan Valdez Cafe: Para La Mañana Juan Valdez Cafe: Para La Mañana 2 000 faixas - 1 722 fãs
Cover of playlist Les Enfants de la Zique Les Enfants de la Zique 2 000 faixas - 2 348 fãs
Cover of playlist DIGGIN' THE GROOVE DIGGIN' THE GROOVE 69 faixas - 1 112 fãs

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When American musician Blossom Dearie died in 2009 aged 82, The Guardian called her "one of the unique jazz voices of the second half of the 20th century". Noted for her infectious child-like voice, she made many popular recordings from 'Once Upon a Summertime' in 1958 to 'It's Alright to Be Afraid' in 2006.

Born in New York she played the piano and studied music as a child and when she left high school she began performing in vocal groups. In 1952 she relocated to Paris and formed The Blue Stars of France with whom she recorded a French version of 'Lullaby of Birdland'. Back in America she became a fixture in New York clubs and performed in Carnegie Hall with Anita O'Day and Joe Williams. She also became very popular in the UK in the early 1960s and made regular appearances at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club with an album 'Blossom Time at Ronnie Scott's' in 1966 and 'Live in London Vol. 2' in 2004. She liked to perform for youngsters and her only Grammy Award nomination came in 1973 for Best Recording for Children for her album 'Multiplication Rock'.

She appeared with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore on television and toured Europe and Australia. Her songs appear in many movies and television shows including 'Sex and the City', 'The Squid and the Whale' and 'Call the Midwife'. Dearie retired in 2006 due to health difficulties after a final engagement at Danny's Skylight Room in Manhattan. She died at her New York home.