Artist picture of Spider Murphy Gang

Spider Murphy Gang

10 838 fãs

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Album cover of Ich schau' dich an (Peep Peep)
Ich schau' dich an (Peep Peep)
Album cover of Bussi Baby
Bussi Baby
Album cover of Skandal im Sperrbezirk
Skandal im Sperrbezirk
Album cover of So a schöner Tag
So a schöner Tag
Album cover of Vis-a-vis
Album cover of Major Tom (Live in der Olympiahalle München)
Major Tom (Live in der Olympiahalle München)
Album cover of So a schöner Tag
So a schöner Tag
Album cover of A nackerte Prinzessin
A nackerte Prinzessin
Album cover of Pfuati Gott, Elisabeth
Pfuati Gott, Elisabeth
Album cover of Schickeria

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Spider Murphy Gang: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist KINK DNA 80's Top 500 KINK DNA 80's Top 500 498 faixas - 857 fãs
Cover of playlist FETENHITS - Oktoberfest FETENHITS - Oktoberfest 121 faixas - 1 554 fãs
Cover of playlist Best Deutschpop Hits Best Deutschpop Hits 296 faixas - 1 728 fãs
Cover of playlist Wiesn Wiesn 60 faixas - 737 fãs
Cover of playlist Neue Deutsche Welle Neue Deutsche Welle 50 faixas - 11 342 fãs
Cover of playlist Neue Deutsche Welle - NDW Neue Deutsche Welle - NDW 51 faixas - 4 607 fãs
Cover of playlist Vereinsheim Vereinsheim 50 faixas - 9 095 fãs
Cover of playlist Deutschland, deine Hits - 80er Deutschland, deine Hits - 80er 50 faixas - 4 777 fãs

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The Spider Murphy Gang is a rock'n'roll band from Munich, founded in 1977 by Günther Sigl, Barny Murphy, Franz Trojan and Michael Busse. After several successful gigs and various cover releases, their first LP Rock'n'Roll is released in 1978. The Spider Murphy Gang became the house band of Bayerischer Rundfunk before the group signed their first record deal. The second LP Rock'n 'Roll Schuah is released by EMI in 1980. They hit the charts in April 1982 with their album Dolce vita. At the beginning of 1982, their single "Skandal im Sperrbezirk" reached number one in the German-language charts. Their fourth LP Tutti Frutti (1982, number 3) was followed by a tour of several weeks through West Germany, before the Spider Murphy Gang became quieter as the New German Wave died down. The following albums Scharf wia Peperoni (1984) and Wahre Liebe (1985) still managed to make it into the charts, while Überdosis Rock'n'Roll (1987), In Flagranti (1989), Hokuspokus (1990) and Keine Lust auf schlechte Zeiten (1997) all failed to make it into the charts in German-speaking countries. in 2012, the band celebrates its 35th anniversary. A live album entitled 40 Years of Rock'n'Roll is released in 2018.