Artist picture of Basement Jaxx

Basement Jaxx

83 508 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Basement Jaxx na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Red Alert
Red Alert
Album cover of Where's Your Head At
Where's Your Head At
Album cover of Red Alert
Red Alert
Album cover of Rendez-Vu
Album cover of Where's Your Head At
Where's Your Head At
Album cover of Good Luck
Album cover of Never Say Never
Never Say Never
Album cover of Do Your Thing
Do Your Thing
Album cover of Fly Life Xtra
Fly Life Xtra
Album cover of Samba Magic
Samba Magic

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de Basement Jaxx na Deezer

Álbuns populares

Basement Jaxx: Álbuns mais populares

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Basement Jaxx: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Running Hits Running Hits 50 faixas - 216 168 fãs
Cover of playlist 90s Club Hits 90s Club Hits 50 faixas - 48 604 fãs
Cover of playlist Fitness 90s Fitness 90s 50 faixas - 73 290 fãs
Cover of playlist Best Of British 00s Best Of British 00s 100 faixas - 9 116 fãs
Cover of playlist 90s Pride 90s Pride 70 faixas - 6 333 fãs
Cover of playlist Drum and Bass Workout Drum and Bass Workout 98 faixas - 197 fãs
Cover of playlist 00s Electronic 00s Electronic 50 faixas - 12 251 fãs
Cover of playlist Anime Songs 2004 Anime Songs 2004 91 faixas - 342 fãs
Cover of playlist Robot Rock Robot Rock 75 faixas - 2 745 fãs
Cover of playlist Electro House 2023 Electro House 2023 103 faixas - 24 113 fãs
Cover of playlist Smile High Club by Fatboy Slim Smile High Club by Fatboy Slim 136 faixas - 11 240 fãs
Cover of playlist Workout & Dance 2021 Workout & Dance 2021 77 faixas - 526 fãs
Cover of playlist Best Of British 90s Best Of British 90s 80 faixas - 4 849 fãs

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A chance meeting at a Riverboat party on the Thames in London united the two DJs in a partnership that's taken them from cult club heroes to mainstream hit-makers to festival headliners. With a mutual love of deep techno, funk grooves and Chicago house, they ran their own highly popular club nights, before releasing debut album Remedy (1999) which, propelled by the hits Red Alert, Rendez-Vu and Bingo Bango, made Number 4 in the UK album charts. Singles Romeo and Where's Your Head At? brought more success and they band collaborated with guest singers Dizzee Rascal, Siouxsie Sioux and Lisa Kekaula on third studio album Kish Kash (2003). When breast cancer forced Kylie Minogue to pull out of Glastonbury Festival in 2004, they triumphantly took on her headlining slot, using live musicians to turn the main stage into a muddy carnival of dance pop. They've also become highly sought after as re-mixers, lending their talents to Daft Punk, Missy Elliot and Justin Timberlake.