Artist picture of The Secret Sisters

The Secret Sisters

3 601 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de The Secret Sisters na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Mississippi
Album cover of Hold You Dear
Hold You Dear
Album cover of Tomorrow Will Be Kinder
Tomorrow Will Be Kinder
Album cover of He's Fine
He's Fine
Album cover of All the Ways (feat. Ray LaMontagne)
All the Ways (feat. Ray LaMontagne)
Album cover of Something Stupid
Something Stupid
Album cover of Late Bloomer
Late Bloomer
Album cover of Half Your Love
Half Your Love

Último lançamento

Novos lançamentos de The Secret Sisters na Deezer

Mama Now

por The Secret Sisters


5 fãs

Álbuns populares

The Secret Sisters: Álbuns mais populares

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The Secret Sisters: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Weekend Chill Weekend Chill 64 faixas - 98 954 fãs
Cover of playlist Dark & Moody Dark & Moody 70 faixas - 40 906 fãs
Cover of playlist Americana Dreams Americana Dreams 50 faixas - 12 682 fãs
Cover of playlist Women of Folk Women of Folk 60 faixas - 12 220 fãs
Cover of playlist A Song for Guy (BBC 6 Music) A Song for Guy (BBC 6 Music) 265 faixas - 2 631 fãs
Cover of playlist Hunger Games Hunger Games 55 faixas - 4 638 fãs
Cover of playlist Americana & Blues Americana & Blues 100 faixas - 244 fãs
Cover of playlist summer breeze summer breeze 33 faixas - 13 fãs

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