Artist picture of Boz Scaggs

Boz Scaggs

21 142 fãs

Ouça todas as faixas de Boz Scaggs na Deezer

Top músicas do artista

Album cover of Lowdown
Album cover of JoJo
Album cover of We're All Alone
We're All Alone
Album cover of We're All Alone
We're All Alone
Album cover of What Can I Say
What Can I Say
Album cover of Loan Me a Dime
Loan Me a Dime
Album cover of Miss Sun
Miss Sun
Album cover of It's Over
It's Over
Album cover of Lido Shuffle
Lido Shuffle
Album cover of Thanks To You
Thanks To You

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Boz Scaggs: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist Yacht Rock Yacht Rock 50 faixas - 19 331 fãs
Cover of playlist Top Hits 1980 Top Hits 1980 50 faixas - 6 085 fãs
Cover of playlist Top Hits 1976 Top Hits 1976 50 faixas - 2 353 fãs
Cover of playlist Philly Soul Philly Soul 50 faixas - 83 540 fãs
Cover of playlist Anos 70 - Internacional | September Anos 70 - Internacional | September 112 faixas - 7 398 fãs
Cover of playlist Classic Rock Classic Rock 395 faixas - 5 467 fãs
Cover of playlist Soul Train Soul Train 87 faixas - 5 261 fãs
Cover of playlist Cooking Songs - Dinner at Home Cooking Songs - Dinner at Home 81 faixas - 1 508 fãs
Cover of playlist Yacht Rock Summer Yacht Rock Summer 206 faixas - 1 404 fãs
Cover of playlist Top Hits 1977 Top Hits 1977 50 faixas - 668 fãs
Cover of playlist Driving Rock Anthems Driving Rock Anthems 112 faixas - 9 406 fãs
Cover of playlist Summer 2023 Summer 2023 92 faixas - 837 fãs
Cover of playlist Soundtrack: Sharp Objects Soundtrack: Sharp Objects 67 faixas - 582 fãs

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The son of a salesman, William Scaggs mostly grew up in Oklahoma and Texas. Given the nickname of Boz, he started playing guitar at the age of 12 and after meeting Steve Miller in 1959 became vocalist with Miller's band The Marksmen. At university he continued to play with Miller in a series of blues bands before moving to London where he became heavily involved in the burgeoning UK R&B scene. He released his debut solo album 'Boz' in 1965, but it was unsuccessful and Scaggs returned to the US, involving himself in the exploding San Francisco psychedelic scene, once more linking up with the Steve Miller Band and playing on their first two albums.

His second solo album 'Boz Scaggs', with guitarist Duane Allman in 1968, laid the groundwork for the soulful, R&B sound for which he became famous. His mainstream breakthrough came in 1976 with the album Silk Degrees, on which he collaborated with a group of session musicians who went on to form Toto. The mix of straight-ahead rock and engaging soul, typified by the hit single Lowdown, rocketed the album to number two in the US charts and in the 1980s he had further hits with 'Breakdown Dead Ahead', 'Jojo', 'Look What You've Done to Me' and 'Miss Sun'.

Releases later became irregular and in 2003 he released jazz album 'But Beautiful', returned to live performance with a major tour in 2008 and in 2010 he toured with Michael McDonald and Donald Fagen. He released his 17th album 'Memphis' in 2013 followed by a compilation of covers titled 'A Fool to Care' which charted at number one on the Billboard Blues Album Chart and number 54 on the Billboard 200 in 2015. Three years later he revealed his 19th studio album, 'Out of the Blues', which featured a mixture of classics and original songs. The album charted at number one on the Billboard Top Blues Albums Chart.