Artist picture of Amr Diab

Amr Diab

1 682 964 fãs

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El Alem Allah
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Nour El Ein
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Tamally Maak
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Qusad Einy
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Bayen Habeit
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Al Leila
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Wala Ala Balo
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Moush Hadaaf
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We Heya Amla Eh
Album cover of Illa Habebe
Illa Habebe

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por Amr Diab

14079 fãs

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Amr Diab: Playlists e Músicas

Cover of playlist 100% Marshmello 100% Marshmello 30 faixas - 22 318 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Amr Diab 100% Amr Diab 50 faixas - 29 107 fãs
Cover of playlist BBB21 BBB21 518 faixas - 756 fãs
Cover of playlist O Clone O Clone 21 faixas - 837 fãs
Cover of playlist Top Egypt 2020 Top Egypt 2020 50 faixas - 1 197 fãs
Cover of playlist Family Time Family Time 50 faixas - 315 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Mohamed Hamaki 100% Mohamed Hamaki 50 faixas - 8 048 fãs
Cover of playlist Ramadan Chill Ramadan Chill 50 faixas - 339 fãs
Cover of playlist Dream Pop Dream Pop 2 000 faixas - 694 fãs
Cover of playlist 100% Hisham Abbas 100% Hisham Abbas 50 faixas - 229 fãs
Cover of playlist Cooking Iftar Cooking Iftar 50 faixas - 293 fãs
Cover of playlist After Iftar After Iftar 71 faixas - 383 fãs
Cover of playlist Ramadan Energy Boost Ramadan Energy Boost 40 faixas - 322 fãs

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Egyptian vocalist and writer Amr Diab was born in Port Said in 1961 and is widely acknowledged to be the father of Mediterranean music, a vibrant blend of Western and Arabic musical influences. A good example of the genre is Diab's single 'Nour El Ein' released in 2012 which has become an international hit and the accompanying promo video on YouTube has garnered over 28 million views.

In 1992 with the launch of his album 'Ice Cream in Gleam' he became the first Arabic-speaking artist to promote his music using an MTV-style music video format. As a singer-songwriter Diab has a prolific output and has released an album almost every year of his professional career since 1983. In tandem with his musical career Diab has also tried to build a career as an actor but after a succession of unsuccessful films he retired from the movie business in 1993 to focus on his music.

Following the Egyptian revolution in 2011 Amr attracted some criticism from Arabic audiences after fleeing Egypt for London. He has since devoted significant resources through his own radio station Diab FM into promoting discussions about the political situation in Egypt and highlighting the work of various aid projects within the region.