Artist picture of Anoushka Shankar

Anoushka Shankar

68 059 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Anoushka Shankar auf Deezer


Album cover of Stolen Moments
Stolen Moments
Album cover of Naked
Album cover of Pacifica
Album cover of New Dawn
New Dawn
Album cover of Traces Of You
Traces Of You
Album cover of Boat To Nowhere
Boat To Nowhere
Album cover of Boat to Nowhere
Boat to Nowhere
Album cover of In the End
In the End
Album cover of Traces of You
Traces of You

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Anoushka Shankar auf Deezer

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Anoushka Shankar

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Anoushka Shankar

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Jay Sean Jay Sean 495 337 Fans
Ella Eyre Ella Eyre 133 406 Fans
James Morrison James Morrison 352 662 Fans
Gregory Porter Gregory Porter 392 621 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Anoushka Shankar

Cover of playlist 100% Ava Max 100% Ava Max 41 Titel - 25 649 Fans
Cover of playlist Yoga Matinal Yoga Matinal 50 Titel - 6 866 Fans
Cover of playlist Global Jazz Global Jazz 51 Titel - 1 644 Fans
Cover of playlist 100% Jess Glynne 100% Jess Glynne 40 Titel - 2 345 Fans
Cover of playlist Musiques du Monde Musiques du Monde 1 162 Titel - 2 362 Fans
Cover of playlist New Classics New Classics 223 Titel - 188 Fans
Cover of playlist Clásicos Contemporáneos 🎼 Clásicos Contemporáneos 🎼 212 Titel - 36 Fans
Cover of playlist Discothèque Idéale 2021 Folk Discothèque Idéale 2021 Folk 38 Titel - 127 Fans

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