Artist picture of $hirak


7 840 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von $hirak auf Deezer


Album cover of 90 Gouden Platen
90 Gouden Platen
Album cover of Als Je Bij Me Blijft (feat. Bilal Wahib & Ronnie Flex)
Als Je Bij Me Blijft (feat. Bilal Wahib & Ronnie Flex)
Album cover of My Money (feat. Bokoesam, Bizzey & Dopebwoy)
My Money (feat. Bokoesam, Bizzey & Dopebwoy)
Album cover of DM's (feat. Adje, 3robi & Josylvio)
DM's (feat. Adje, 3robi & Josylvio)
Album cover of AMG
Album cover of Kiki
Album cover of Romance
Album cover of Probleem
Album cover of Johnny

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von $hirak auf Deezer

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von $hirak

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie $hirak

Lil Kleine Lil Kleine 265 907 Fans
Frenna Frenna 111 814 Fans
Boef Boef 209 145 Fans
Broederliefde Broederliefde 275 729 Fans
Jonna Fraser Jonna Fraser 63 759 Fans
Cristian D Cristian D 6 437 Fans
Ronnie Flex Ronnie Flex 219 450 Fans
Josylvio Josylvio 111 061 Fans
Kevin Kevin 38 763 Fans
Lijpe Lijpe 92 639 Fans
Dopebwoy Dopebwoy 46 172 Fans
Sevn Alias Sevn Alias 110 439 Fans
Idaly Idaly 17 399 Fans
ADF Samski ADF Samski 2 995 Fans
Chivv Chivv 40 507 Fans


Playlists & Musik von $hirak

Cover of playlist 100% Mr. Polska 100% Mr. Polska 50 Titel - 224 Fans
Cover of playlist 100% Boef 100% Boef 50 Titel - 1 154 Fans
Cover of playlist Nederlandse Rap Nederlandse Rap 100 Titel - 1 933 Fans
Cover of playlist Lobi & Vibes Lobi & Vibes 50 Titel - 20 665 Fans
Cover of playlist 100% Broederliefde 100% Broederliefde 50 Titel - 453 Fans
Cover of playlist 100% $hirak 100% $hirak 40 Titel - 72 Fans
Cover of playlist 100% Mula B 100% Mula B 50 Titel - 217 Fans
Cover of playlist 100% Bhad Bhabie 100% Bhad Bhabie 25 Titel - 514 Fans
Cover of playlist Hiphop NL Hiphop NL 90 Titel - 4 015 Fans
Cover of playlist 100% Josylvio 100% Josylvio 50 Titel - 586 Fans
Cover of playlist 100% Ronnie Flex 100% Ronnie Flex 50 Titel - 630 Fans
Cover of playlist 100% Jonna Fraser 100% Jonna Fraser 50 Titel - 242 Fans
Cover of playlist ESNS 2021 ESNS 2021 357 Titel - 186 Fans

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