Artist picture of Paula Jivén

Paula Jivén

180 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Paula Jivén auf Deezer


Album cover of Say That
Say That
Album cover of Say That
Say That
Album cover of Breaking Up With A Friend
Breaking Up With A Friend
Album cover of Don't Play Nice
Don't Play Nice
Album cover of Rude Girl
Rude Girl
Album cover of Can We Talk About Me?
Can We Talk About Me?
Album cover of Someone Always Knows
Someone Always Knows
Album cover of What Are You Hungry For?
What Are You Hungry For?
Album cover of Pluto
Album cover of It's My Life
It's My Life

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Paula Jivén auf Deezer

Busy Falling

von OCULA, Paula Jivén


5 Fans

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Paula Jivén

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Playlists & Musik von Paula Jivén

Cover of playlist Lazy Sunday Mornings Lazy Sunday Mornings 80 Titel - 2 407 Fans
Cover of playlist POP HUB POP HUB 70 Titel - 457 Fans
Cover of playlist Abendessen Abendessen 377 Titel - 159 Fans
Cover of playlist Gregor Meyle / Das Beste Gregor Meyle / Das Beste 2 000 Titel - 185 Fans
Cover of playlist Indie Invasion Indie Invasion 996 Titel - 389 Fans
Cover of playlist Winter Vibes Winter Vibes 61 Titel - 117 Fans
Cover of playlist THIS IS Chill THIS IS Chill 73 Titel - 23 356 Fans
Cover of playlist Gelato Time Gelato Time 78 Titel - 2 585 Fans
Cover of playlist Cuisiner en musique Cuisiner en musique 100 Titel - 1 525 Fans
Cover of playlist #socialdistancing #socialdistancing 513 Titel - 54 Fans

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