Artist picture of Theuns Jordaan

Theuns Jordaan

29 007 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Theuns Jordaan auf Deezer


Album cover of Soos Bloed
Soos Bloed
Album cover of Country Medley
Album cover of Golden Oldie Medley
Golden Oldie Medley
Album cover of Tussen Woorde
Album cover of Deur Die Winters
Deur Die Winters
Album cover of Jou Skaduwee
Album cover of Go Your Own Way
Go Your Own Way
Album cover of Streets of London
Streets of London
Album cover of Country Medley

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

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Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Theuns Jordaan

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Theuns Jordaan

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Juanita du Plessis Juanita du Plessis 37 833 Fans
Riaan Benade Riaan Benade 11 154 Fans
Bok Van Blerk Bok Van Blerk 40 110 Fans
Ricus Nel Ricus Nel 23 580 Fans
Juan Boucher Juan Boucher 16 497 Fans
Kurt Darren Kurt Darren 34 813 Fans
Steve Hofmeyr Steve Hofmeyr 41 529 Fans
Brendan Peyper Brendan Peyper 26 984 Fans
Demi Lee Moore Demi Lee Moore 25 194 Fans
Snotkop Snotkop 50 416 Fans
Robbie Wessels Robbie Wessels 28 497 Fans
Refentse Refentse 28 708 Fans
Jay Jay 7 871 Fans
Eloff Eloff 2 275 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Theuns Jordaan

Cover of playlist 100% Brendan Peyper 100% Brendan Peyper 50 Titel - 351 Fans
Cover of playlist Nou gaan ons Braai! Nou gaan ons Braai! 83 Titel - 14 802 Fans
Cover of playlist 100% Snotkop 100% Snotkop 50 Titel - 793 Fans
Cover of playlist Ritme Van 'n Pa Ritme Van 'n Pa 30 Titel - 17 Fans
Cover of playlist Somerfees Somerfees 104 Titel - 134 Fans
Cover of playlist Afrikaans is Groot 12 Afrikaans is Groot 12 33 Titel - 96 Fans

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