Artist picture of Laura Fygi

Laura Fygi

11 086 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Laura Fygi auf Deezer


Album cover of Dream A Little Dream
Dream A Little Dream
Album cover of How Do I Win Your Heart?
How Do I Win Your Heart?
Album cover of Vincent
Album cover of Historia De Un Amor
Historia De Un Amor
Album cover of Pour Te Plaire
Pour Te Plaire
Album cover of The Lady Wants To Know
The Lady Wants To Know
Album cover of Eternal Honeymoon
Eternal Honeymoon
Album cover of Le Temps Qui Passe
Le Temps Qui Passe
Album cover of La vie en rose
La vie en rose
Album cover of Triste

Beliebteste Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Laura Fygi auf Deezer

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Die beliebtesten Alben von Laura Fygi

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Playlists & Musik von Laura Fygi

Cover of playlist Digster CLASSIC CROONERS Digster CLASSIC CROONERS 40 Titel - 688 Fans
Cover of playlist Laços de Família Laços de Família 29 Titel - 765 Fans
Cover of playlist Kubanacan Kubanacan 19 Titel - 85 Fans
Cover of playlist Jazz Café Jazz Café 75 Titel - 515 Fans

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