Artist picture of Angelo Branduardi

Angelo Branduardi

14 699 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Angelo Branduardi auf Deezer


Album cover of La Pulce D'Acqua
La Pulce D'Acqua
Album cover of Si può fare
Si può fare
Album cover of Ce que sait le Sherpa
Ce que sait le Sherpa
Album cover of Musica
Album cover of Va ou le vent te mene
Va ou le vent te mene
Album cover of La demoiselle
La demoiselle
Album cover of La canzone di Momo
La canzone di Momo
Album cover of Il dono del cervo
Il dono del cervo
Album cover of Cogli la prima mela
Cogli la prima mela
Album cover of Gli alberi sono alti
Gli alberi sono alti

Beliebteste Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Angelo Branduardi auf Deezer

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Angelo Branduardi

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Angelo Branduardi

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Julien Clerc Julien Clerc 330 050 Fans
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Adriano Celentano Adriano Celentano 99 940 Fans
Jacques Higelin Jacques Higelin 149 358 Fans
Jacques Brel Jacques Brel 631 253 Fans
Michel Sardou Michel Sardou 655 256 Fans
Michel Polnareff Michel Polnareff 220 456 Fans
Laurent Voulzy Laurent Voulzy 353 069 Fans
Maxime Le Forestier Maxime Le Forestier 228 184 Fans
Serge Reggiani Serge Reggiani 128 144 Fans
Marie Laforêt Marie Laforêt 47 800 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Angelo Branduardi

Cover of playlist Cantautori  Italiani Cantautori Italiani 74 Titel - 1 754 Fans
Cover of playlist Claudio Capéo Claudio Capéo 2 000 Titel - 3 888 Fans

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