Hi! My name is Lucas Oddone better known musically as Lukas. I started in music at the age of 12 but actually from a very early age I was interested in this world. After so many years writing and composing, I decided to get into music and in 2012 I released my first single with a friend. Several singles came out during those years but none had the result that he hoped for. Unmotivated and thinking that it was no use for music, I spent several years without releasing songs, but writing ...
It was in 2018 when I again motivated and with a new project I went on stage, already with clearer objectives, more mature and with all the digital tools that we have today at our fingertips, I released my first single under the artistic name of Lukas in October 2018. From that moment on I realized that this is what makes me happy and day by day I am improving and attracting the attention of more people. This is a new beginning and I'm coming for everything! THIS JUST BEGIN!
I want to thank you for getting here, for visiting my Deezer profile and listening to my songs; You can also find me on YouTube (Lukas Official_uy) and on Instagram (lukas_uy_).
For more info and contact: lukas.officialuy@gmail.comm