Artist picture of Fontella Bass

Fontella Bass

6 076 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Fontella Bass auf Deezer


Album cover of Rescue Me
Rescue Me
Album cover of Rescue Me
Rescue Me
Album cover of Our Day Will Come
Our Day Will Come
Album cover of You'll Never Know
You'll Never Know
Album cover of Bad Boy
Bad Boy
Album cover of This Would Make Me Happy
This Would Make Me Happy
Album cover of The Soul Of A Man
The Soul Of A Man
Album cover of How Glad I Am
How Glad I Am
Album cover of Impossible
Album cover of Honey Bee
Honey Bee

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Fontella Bass auf Deezer

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Fontella Bass

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Fontella Bass

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The Temptations The Temptations 572 864 Fans
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Stevie Wonder Stevie Wonder 2 168 590 Fans
James Brown James Brown 1 351 600 Fans
Etta James Etta James 1 107 516 Fans
Sam Cooke Sam Cooke 192 748 Fans
Four Tops Four Tops 141 071 Fans
Jackie Wilson Jackie Wilson 17 220 Fans
The Isley Brothers The Isley Brothers 435 156 Fans
Nina Simone Nina Simone 2 357 772 Fans
Dionne Warwick Dionne Warwick 208 409 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Fontella Bass

Cover of playlist Women 60s Women 60s 50 Titel - 1 003 Fans
Cover of playlist The Crown soundtrack The Crown soundtrack 60 Titel - 2 496 Fans
Cover of playlist Soundtrack: Sex Education Soundtrack: Sex Education 179 Titel - 3 225 Fans
Cover of playlist Soul Power Soul Power 107 Titel - 7 883 Fans
Cover of playlist Annees 60 - Année 60 - 60s Annees 60 - Année 60 - 60s 163 Titel - 1 327 Fans
Cover of playlist Regreso a los 60 Regreso a los 60 152 Titel - 79 Fans
Cover of playlist Jazz à Vienne 2003 Jazz à Vienne 2003 90 Titel - 141 Fans
Cover of playlist Jazz à Vienne 1999 Jazz à Vienne 1999 76 Titel - 114 Fans

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