Artist picture of Jill Barber

Jill Barber

4 868 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Jill Barber auf Deezer


Album cover of Petite fleur
Petite fleur
Album cover of Sleigh Ride
Sleigh Ride
Album cover of Be My Man
Be My Man
Album cover of Padam padam
Padam padam
Album cover of Plus bleu que tes yeux
Plus bleu que tes yeux
Album cover of Sous le ciel de Paris
Sous le ciel de Paris
Album cover of Bigger Than You
Bigger Than You
Album cover of Quand les hommes vivront d'amour
Quand les hommes vivront d'amour
Album cover of N'oublie jamais
N'oublie jamais
Album cover of J'attendrai

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Jill Barber auf Deezer

Sleigh Ride

von Jill Barber


15 Fans

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Jill Barber

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Thomas Dutronc Thomas Dutronc 188 835 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Jill Barber

Cover of playlist Orange Is The New Black Orange Is The New Black 50 Titel - 301 Fans
Cover of playlist Soundtrack: Riverdale Soundtrack: Riverdale 197 Titel - 1 964 Fans

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