Artist picture of Bars and Melody

Bars and Melody

148 694 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Bars and Melody auf Deezer


Album cover of Thousand Years
Thousand Years
Album cover of Lighthouse
Album cover of Hopeful
Album cover of Waiting For The Sun
Waiting For The Sun
Album cover of Teenage Romance
Teenage Romance
Album cover of Him and I
Him and I
Album cover of In the End
In the End
Album cover of Put Ü First
Put Ü First
Album cover of Hopeful

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Bars and Melody auf Deezer

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Bars and Melody

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

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Johnny Orlando Johnny Orlando 46 350 Fans
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Justin Bieber Justin Bieber 10 636 593 Fans
The Script The Script 2 079 224 Fans
Dean Lewis Dean Lewis 332 967 Fans
Demi Lovato Demi Lovato 6 887 870 Fans
The Vamps The Vamps 707 929 Fans
Lauv Lauv 396 220 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Bars and Melody

Cover of playlist Marcus & Martinus Marcus & Martinus 762 Titel - 5 874 Fans
Cover of playlist Digster Pop - Back To School Digster Pop - Back To School 74 Titel - 223 Fans
Cover of playlist Anime Songs 2016 Anime Songs 2016 241 Titel - 459 Fans
Cover of playlist Digster Pop - Workout Digster Pop - Workout 156 Titel - 487 Fans
Cover of playlist Bars and Melody - Essentials Bars and Melody - Essentials 40 Titel - 390 Fans

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