Artist picture of Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra

Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra

3 119 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra auf Deezer


Album cover of Sophisticated Lady
Sophisticated Lady
Album cover of Merry Go-Round
Merry Go-Round
Album cover of I Got It Bad (and That Ain't Good)
I Got It Bad (and That Ain't Good)
Album cover of Just A-Sittin' and A-Rockin'
Just A-Sittin' and A-Rockin'
Album cover of Across the Track Blues
Across the Track Blues

Beliebteste Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra auf Deezer

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra

Duke Ellington Duke Ellington 317 607 Fans
Louis Armstrong Louis Armstrong 1 937 799 Fans
Dave Brubeck Dave Brubeck 188 921 Fans
John Coltrane John Coltrane 546 925 Fans
Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald 1 146 019 Fans
Sarah Vaughan Sarah Vaughan 351 567 Fans
Glenn Miller Glenn Miller 112 815 Fans
Miles Davis Miles Davis 1 027 056 Fans
Sidney Bechet Sidney Bechet 92 730 Fans
Horace Silver Horace Silver 37 949 Fans
Frank Sinatra Frank Sinatra 2 283 501 Fans
Sonny Rollins Sonny Rollins 111 112 Fans
Charlie Parker Charlie Parker 241 976 Fans
Benny Goodman Benny Goodman 74 881 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Duke Ellington and His Famous Orchestra

Cover of playlist Jazz Essentials Jazz Essentials 80 Titel - 131 042 Fans
Cover of playlist Black icons of Jazz Black icons of Jazz 30 Titel - 2 551 Fans
Cover of playlist Jazz for kids Jazz for kids 40 Titel - 1 863 Fans

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