Artist picture of Raphael Gualazzi

Raphael Gualazzi

11 629 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Raphael Gualazzi auf Deezer


Album cover of I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song)
I Wan'na Be Like You (The Monkey Song)
Album cover of The Bare Necessities
The Bare Necessities
Album cover of Reality And Fantasy
Reality And Fantasy
Album cover of Reality And Fantasy
Reality And Fantasy
Album cover of Vorrei capire
Vorrei capire
Album cover of Follia D'Amore
Follia D'Amore
Album cover of Imagine
Album cover of L'amie d'un italien
L'amie d'un italien
Album cover of Love Goes Down Slow
Love Goes Down Slow
Album cover of Reality & Fantasy
Reality & Fantasy

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Raphael Gualazzi auf Deezer

Dreams In Jazz

von Raphael Gualazzi


16 Fans

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Raphael Gualazzi

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Raphael Gualazzi

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Nina Simone Nina Simone 2 356 498 Fans
Faada Freddy Faada Freddy 35 328 Fans
Bonga Bonga 51 884 Fans
Jehro Jehro 34 784 Fans
Melissa Laveaux Melissa Laveaux 39 991 Fans
Flavia Coelho Flavia Coelho 62 277 Fans
Ibrahim Maalouf Ibrahim Maalouf 312 581 Fans
Lhasa De Sela Lhasa De Sela 120 793 Fans
Gaël Faye Gaël Faye 177 033 Fans
Waldeck Waldeck 31 992 Fans
Quantic Quantic 84 897 Fans
Gregory Porter Gregory Porter 389 817 Fans
Stacey Kent Stacey Kent 321 729 Fans
Moriarty Moriarty 223 501 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Raphael Gualazzi

Cover of playlist 100% Melody Gardot 100% Melody Gardot 40 Titel - 9 971 Fans
Cover of playlist Jazz Loves Disney Jazz Loves Disney 29 Titel - 2 032 Fans
Cover of playlist Eurovision Hits Eurovision Hits 100 Titel - 242 Fans
Cover of playlist Italy Eurovision Hits Italy Eurovision Hits 43 Titel - 340 Fans
Cover of playlist 2023 Jazz 2023 Jazz 50 Titel - 2 285 Fans
Cover of playlist Jazz for kids Jazz for kids 40 Titel - 1 863 Fans
Cover of playlist Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2013 Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2013 33 Titel - 33 Fans
Cover of playlist Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2023 Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2023 99 Titel - 120 Fans
Cover of playlist Musica Per Bambini Musica Per Bambini 60 Titel - 194 Fans
Cover of playlist Jazz Loves Disney Jazz Loves Disney 23 Titel - 74 Fans
Cover of playlist Eurovision Hits Eurovision Hits 100 Titel - 23 Fans
Cover of playlist Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2011 Nancy Jazz Pulsations 2011 30 Titel - 41 Fans

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