Artist picture of Annie Burnell

Annie Burnell

378 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Annie Burnell auf Deezer


Album cover of Come Over
Come Over
Album cover of Impatient
Album cover of Child's Moon Palace
Child's Moon Palace
Album cover of Sage
Album cover of All Is Reborn
All Is Reborn
Album cover of Drawing Me Flowers
Drawing Me Flowers

Aktuelle Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Annie Burnell auf Deezer

Child's Moon Palace

von Annie Burnell


4 Fans

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Annie Burnell

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Annie Burnell

Khruangbin Khruangbin 65 542 Fans
Tom Misch Tom Misch 90 255 Fans
Jordan Mackampa Jordan Mackampa 2 217 Fans
Biig Piig Biig Piig 8 314 Fans
L'Impératrice L'Impératrice 130 267 Fans
Leon Bridges Leon Bridges 75 373 Fans
Chilly Gonzales Chilly Gonzales 75 604 Fans
FKJ FKJ 137 886 Fans
Tears for Fears Tears for Fears 1 012 257 Fans
Sade Sade 1 250 127 Fans
Metronomy Metronomy 456 872 Fans
Emma Peters Emma Peters 68 425 Fans
Jérémy Frerot Jérémy Frerot 308 024 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Annie Burnell

Cover of playlist The Indie Café The Indie Café 100 Titel - 16 787 Fans
Cover of playlist SOUS LA PLUIE 🌧 SOUS LA PLUIE 🌧 63 Titel - 133 Fans
Cover of playlist On Repeat by Alice On Repeat by Alice 70 Titel - 836 Fans

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