Artist picture of Grup Roj

Grup Roj

2 469 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Grup Roj auf Deezer


Album cover of Duydum ki Bensiz Yaralı Gibisin
Duydum ki Bensiz Yaralı Gibisin
Album cover of Were Canê
Were Canê
Album cover of Here Xezalê Bêje
Here Xezalê Bêje
Album cover of Wer Leylo
Wer Leylo
Album cover of Drama Köprüsü
Drama Köprüsü
Album cover of Tı Buyi Helbestamın
Tı Buyi Helbestamın
Album cover of Yine Sen Geldin Aklıma
Yine Sen Geldin Aklıma
Album cover of Ben Gene Sana Vurgunum
Ben Gene Sana Vurgunum
Album cover of Eliko Hesen
Eliko Hesen
Album cover of Rêwîyê çîya
Rêwîyê çîya

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von Grup Roj


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