Artist picture of Metric


122 900 Fans

Hör alle Tracks von Metric auf Deezer


Album cover of Black Sheep
Black Sheep
Album cover of Help I'm Alive
Help I'm Alive
Album cover of Gimme Sympathy
Gimme Sympathy
Album cover of Gold Guns Girls
Gold Guns Girls
Album cover of Lost Kitten
Lost Kitten
Album cover of What Feels Like Eternity
What Feels Like Eternity
Album cover of Now or Never Now
Now or Never Now
Album cover of Blindness
Album cover of Risk
Album cover of Dressed to Suppress
Dressed to Suppress

Beliebteste Veröffentlichung

Neuheiten von Metric auf Deezer


von Metric

1038 Fans

Beliebte Alben

Die beliebtesten Alben von Metric

Ähnliche Künstler*innen

Ähnliche Künstler*innen wie Metric

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The Strokes The Strokes 1 544 966 Fans
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MGMT MGMT 1 125 889 Fans
Franz Ferdinand Franz Ferdinand 1 036 944 Fans
White Lies White Lies 87 969 Fans
Gorillaz Gorillaz 2 603 242 Fans
Foals Foals 442 844 Fans
Marina Marina 427 401 Fans


Playlists & Musik von Metric

Cover of playlist 100% Metric 100% Metric 50 Titel - 322 Fans
Cover of playlist FM4 Best Indie FM4 Best Indie 51 Titel - 112 Fans
Cover of playlist Indie Invasion Indie Invasion 1 014 Titel - 394 Fans
Cover of playlist Pop Punk Anthems Pop Punk Anthems 133 Titel - 123 Fans
Cover of playlist Movie Hits Movie Hits 98 Titel - 950 Fans
Cover of playlist Digster INDIE INVASION Digster INDIE INVASION 198 Titel - 314 Fans
Cover of playlist Indiepop & Indierock Indiepop & Indierock 128 Titel - 318 Fans
Cover of playlist Rock for the indies Rock for the indies 107 Titel - 422 Fans
Cover of playlist COVID-19 Quarantine Anthems COVID-19 Quarantine Anthems 62 Titel - 155 Fans
Cover of playlist Rock Internacional  🤘 Rock Internacional 🤘 174 Titel - 1 458 Fans
Cover of playlist Cellardoor 10th Anniversary mix Cellardoor 10th Anniversary mix 108 Titel - 294 Fans
Cover of playlist Lendas do Rock  🤘 Lendas do Rock 🤘 138 Titel - 2 765 Fans
Cover of playlist True Sound Fan List True Sound Fan List 10 Titel - 19 Fans
Cover of playlist Bloghaus Bloghaus 60 Titel - 47 Fans
Cover of playlist Tatiana Weston-Webb Tatiana Weston-Webb 233 Titel - 90 Fans

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