Album picture of Pushkin Songs

Pushkin Songs


Listen to the album Pushkin Songs by Nicolai Gedda

Album Tracks

Album cover of Zimniy vecher (Winter Evening)
Zimniy vecher (Winter Evening)
Album cover of Ne sprashivay, zachem (Do not ask why)
Ne sprashivay, zachem (Do not ask why)
Album cover of V krovi gorit ogon zhelanya (The fire of longing burns in my heart)
V krovi gorit ogon zhelanya (The fire of longing burns in my heart)
Album cover of Ya pomnyu chudnoye mgnoven'ye (I recall a wonderful moment)
Ya pomnyu chudnoye mgnoven'ye (I recall a wonderful moment)
Album cover of Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne (Sing not, thou beauty, in my presence)
Ne poy, krasavitsa, pri mne (Sing not, thou beauty, in my presence)
Album cover of Ya zdes', Inezil'ya (I am here, Inezilla)
Ya zdes', Inezil'ya (I am here, Inezilla)
Album cover of Chornaya shal' (The Black Shawl)
Chornaya shal' (The Black Shawl)
Album cover of 20 Songs: No. 19. Gruzinskaya pesnya (Georgian song)
20 Songs: No. 19. Gruzinskaya pesnya (Georgian song)
Album cover of Dlya beregov otchizni dal'noy (For the Shores of thy Far Native Land)
Dlya beregov otchizni dal'noy (For the Shores of thy Far Native Land)
Album cover of 25 Poems, Op. 57: No. 2. Yesli zhizn tebya obmanet (If Life Deceives You)
25 Poems, Op. 57: No. 2. Yesli zhizn tebya obmanet (If Life Deceives You)
Album cover of 7 Poems, Op. 33: No. 4. Sozhennoe pismo (The Burnt Letter)
7 Poems, Op. 33: No. 4. Sozhennoe pismo (The Burnt Letter)
Album cover of 25 Poems, Op. 57: No. 18. Bezumnych let ugassheye veselye (The Joy of My Wild Years)
25 Poems, Op. 57: No. 18. Bezumnych let ugassheye veselye (The Joy of My Wild Years)
Album cover of 4 Songs, Op. 42: No. 3. Redeyet oblakov letuchaya gryada (The clouds begin to scatter)
4 Songs, Op. 42: No. 3. Redeyet oblakov letuchaya gryada (The clouds begin to scatter)
Album cover of 4 Songs, Op. 27: No. 3. Ti i vi (Thou and you)
4 Songs, Op. 27: No. 3. Ti i vi (Thou and you)
Album cover of 4 Songs, Op. 3: No. 4. Na kholmakh Gruzii (Upon the Georgian Hills)
4 Songs, Op. 3: No. 4. Na kholmakh Gruzii (Upon the Georgian Hills)
Album cover of 14 Songs, Op. 34: No. 1. Muza (The Muse)
14 Songs, Op. 34: No. 1. Muza (The Muse)

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