Artist picture of untrusted


365 fans

Listen to all of untrusted's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of eyes blue like the atlantic
eyes blue like the atlantic
Album cover of sweater weather / i wanna be your girlfriend
sweater weather / i wanna be your girlfriend
Album cover of Lovefool (feat. kaii)
Lovefool (feat. kaii)
Album cover of Killer Queen (8D Audio)
Killer Queen (8D Audio)
Album cover of sit by myself talking to the moon
sit by myself talking to the moon
Album cover of cry me a river but it's even sadder
cry me a river but it's even sadder
Album cover of SOFT LIPS
Album cover of eyes blue or brown, can't remember
eyes blue or brown, can't remember

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Creamy Creamy 2 154 fans
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8D Tazzy 8D Tazzy 294 fans
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slow//reverb Slow//reverb 420 fans
8d Music 8d Music 6 312 fans
Tazzy Tazzy 3 839 fans
ghostly echoes Ghostly echoes 233 fans
8D To The Moon 8D To The Moon 193 fans
Ghost duet Ghost duet 182 fans


Playlists & music by untrusted

Cover of playlist lofi covers lofi covers 53 tracks - 2 971 fans

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