From the tempestuous brine of the deep comes Admiral Keneally’s Bone Patrol, wielding their wily ways and nautical nonsense, weaving short stories to tempt your sonic senses....
From sensual desert winds to lively smoke filled rooms, a Bedouin Sheik may welcome you. Music to inspire, excite, and move you. Music to captivate your original repertoire influenced by jazz, funk, middle eastern flavours, a touch of world, and swampy grooves. Bringing their love of cross cultural music together to create an unforgettable transportive travel log.
Ivan Tagg is composer, founder and performer of AK’s Bone Patrol. The group formed in May 2014 and have been performing all around Melbourne at various venues since.
Each band member brings with them their own wealth of musical knowledge, creating a truly captivating musical experience.
Brought to you by
Katrina Owen- tenor/alto saxophones
Rohan Laird- baritone saxophone
Julia Bebenek- drums
Adam Russo- guitar
Ivan Tagg- double bass