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So here we are. The year 2020, complete with pandemic and all. To be honest, I never thought in a million years that I would experience something like this in my lifetime, let alone be releasing music in such a strange and unprecedented moment in time. Now more than ever, we are forced to take a look at our lives. Our relationships. Our creativity. Our compassion. Our humanity. It really has become a time to bring the mirror even closer to our face and truly see what we are made of. And for this, I am grateful. It has created somewhat of a perfect storm to have music cut deeper and make an even longer lasting impression on the listener. I have always championed artistry and the vulnerable essence of it. The bravery it takes for a person to reveal what lies in the shadows of their heart and soul. This next release of songs feels like a true liberation for my music and myself. For the first time in over 10 years, I am free from the restraints of a major label. Independent in every sense of the word, and it feels fucking awesome. I’m not here to bash or belittle the story that is my past, as I had a very cool ride…for the most part. I am just really happy to be in a new chapter where I’m the HBIC. This is a chapter that presents a true freedom with time, subject, implementation and expectation for my music. With that said, I have also chosen to put this music out slightly differently than before. Releasing a new song roughly every 6 weeks, beginning mid may.