Artist picture of The Boxer Rebellion

The Boxer Rebellion

19 144 fans

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Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Big Ideas
Album cover of Diamonds
Album cover of Both Sides Are Even
Both Sides Are Even
Album cover of Flashing Red Light Means Go
Flashing Red Light Means Go
Album cover of Watermelon
Album cover of Spitting Fire
Spitting Fire
Album cover of Here I Am
Album cover of Love Yourself
Love Yourself
Album cover of Locked In The Basement
Locked In The Basement
Album cover of No Harm

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Open Arms

by The Boxer Rebellion


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Formed in London in 2001, The Boxer Rebellion are an indie rock band with a different sound from most as Nathan Nicholson's soaring vocals glide over a big and glacial rock base provided by Andrew Smith on guitar, Adam Harrison on bass and Piers Hewitt on drums. Their longevity is the result of steady touring and the popularity of their albums and singles on iTunes.

Born in Tennessee, Nicholson journeyed to England where he met Australian guitarist Todd Howe (later to be succeeded by Andrew Smith) and Hewitt and Harrison, both from England. They formed a band and played as many gigs as they could, with early gigs, including one in the Glastonbury New Bands tent, attracting the attention of Poptones record label owner Alan McGee. With Poptones' backing, they released their first single 'Watermelon' in 2003.

A self-titled EP came out the same year and The Boxer Rebellion were due to tour with The Killers until Nicholson suffered a burst appendix and they had to cancel. Their first studio album, 'Exits', was released in 2005 but soon afterwards the Poptones label went out of business. Since then, they have put out their albums digitally via iTunes. Albums titled 'Union' (2009), 'The Cold Still' (2011), 'Promises' (2013) and 'Ocean By Ocean' (2016) have fared well online and they have also released concert albums 'Live in Tennessee' (2011) and 'Live at the Forum' (2014).

The band have had success in placing songs on television soundtracks including 'NCIS', 'Grey's Anatomy', 'Nikita', 'The Vampire Diaries', 'Being Human' and 'Shameless' as well as movie soundtracks such as 'Going the Distance', 'The Art of Getting By' and 'Flying Lessons'. Tracks also have been heard on the video games 'Batman: Arkham City', 'Going the Distance' and 'Long Way Down'.