Artist picture of Afro Cuban All Stars

Afro Cuban All Stars

7 188 fans

Listen to all of Afro Cuban All Stars's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Amor verdadero
Amor verdadero
Album cover of Los Sitio' asere
Los Sitio' asere
Album cover of María Caracoles
María Caracoles
Album cover of Mujer
Album cover of Clasiqueando con Rubén
Clasiqueando con Rubén
Album cover of Alto songo
Album cover of Amor Verdadero
Amor Verdadero
Album cover of Pío Mentiroso
Pío Mentiroso
Album cover of Al vaivén de mi carreta
Al vaivén de mi carreta
Album cover of No Me Busques Mas
No Me Busques Mas

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Afro Cuban All Stars is a band of musicians fronted by tres player Juan de Marcos González, formed in 1996. The notable element about the band is that its members are mostly from the Golden Age of Cuban and Afro-Caribbean music which was in the 1950s, although its line-up is subject to constant changes. Having played together, the plan for the band was to record two albums at Havana's EGREM studios in 1997 under the production of US guitarist Ry Cooder. Several of the African musicians lined up for the recording sessions were unable to travel, yet over two weeks the band of Cuban musicians produced two LPs. It also gave rise to the 'Buena Vista Social Club' project, including a documentary film and several albums. The band continued to change in membership but not influences, touring around the world and releasing a live album in 2017.