Artist picture of Dee Edwards

Dee Edwards

612 fans

Listen to all of Dee Edwards's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of Why Can't There Be Love
Why Can't There Be Love
Album cover of (I Can) Deal with That
(I Can) Deal with That
Album cover of Put Your Love On the Line (2013 Japan Remastered)
Put Your Love On the Line (2013 Japan Remastered)
Album cover of Why Can't There Be Love
Why Can't There Be Love
Album cover of Don't Walk Away (2013 Japan Remastered)
Don't Walk Away (2013 Japan Remastered)
Album cover of Baby This Time (2013 Japan Remastered)
Baby This Time (2013 Japan Remastered)
Album cover of Mr. Miracle Man (2013 Japan Remastered)
Mr. Miracle Man (2013 Japan Remastered)
Album cover of Selflessly (2013 Japan Remastered)
Selflessly (2013 Japan Remastered)
Album cover of Check It Out (2013 Japan Remastered)
Check It Out (2013 Japan Remastered)
Album cover of Fools of a Feather (2013 Japan Remastered)
Fools of a Feather (2013 Japan Remastered)

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