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LIM is one of the "godfathers" of French rap. Although not a national star, he is one of the most active members of the hip hop scene in the Paris region. From his tours with Les Sages Poètes de la Rue in 1994 to his Délinquant album in 2007, not forgetting his collaborations with Booba, Zeler and the 45 Scientific label, the Boulogne-Billancourt rapper has had no downtime since the start of his career. His 2010 album Combinaison Dangereuse, produced with Meiday, is further proof of this. LIM spits out his anger again on Voyoucratie in November 2010. LIM is back at it again with Alibi Montana for Rue 2 in 2013, the successor to Rue, which they released together in 2005. No less than fifty tracks make up the Violences Urbaines IV mixtape in 2014. A prolific producer, he delivered a new nine-track EP in 2015, Pirates, prior to the release of a full-length album of the same name the following year.