Artist picture of Lim


115 054 fans

Listen to all of Lim's tracks on Deezer

Artist's top tracks

Album cover of 92 C'est le terrain
92 C'est le terrain
Album cover of La Danse Des Leurs-Dea
La Danse Des Leurs-Dea
Album cover of A neuf ans déjà
A neuf ans déjà
Album cover of Fils d'immigrés
Fils d'immigrés
Album cover of Mon discours
Mon discours
Album cover of Nique lui sa mère
Nique lui sa mère
Album cover of N1
Album cover of Tout était calculé
Tout était calculé
Album cover of A qui la faute
A qui la faute
Album cover of Ca tire pour qui pour quoi
Ca tire pour qui pour quoi

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by Lim


37 fans

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Playlists & music by Lim

Cover of playlist RAÏ'n'B FEVER RAÏ'n'B FEVER 71 tracks - 453 fans
Cover of playlist 100% Lim 100% Lim 50 tracks - 1 631 fans
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For every mood


LIM is one of the "godfathers" of French rap. Although not a national star, he is one of the most active members of the hip hop scene in the Paris region. From his tours with Les Sages Poètes de la Rue in 1994 to his Délinquant album in 2007, not forgetting his collaborations with Booba, Zeler and the 45 Scientific label, the Boulogne-Billancourt rapper has had no downtime since the start of his career. His 2010 album Combinaison Dangereuse, produced with Meiday, is further proof of this. LIM spits out his anger again on Voyoucratie in November 2010. LIM is back at it again with Alibi Montana for Rue 2 in 2013, the successor to Rue, which they released together in 2005. No less than fifty tracks make up the Violences Urbaines IV mixtape in 2014. A prolific producer, he delivered a new nine-track EP in 2015, Pirates, prior to the release of a full-length album of the same name the following year.